Practice Areas
Shipping & Ports | Offshore Logistics
Regulatory and Admiralty – Registration, flagging, tax and customs, bill of lading, pool agreements, statutory compliance, crewing, stowaways, refugees, sale and purchase of vessels, maritime regulations issued by ANTAQ (Brazilian National Agency for Waterway Transportation), and international maritime law applicable in Brazilian waters.
Marine Casualties and Pollution – Oil pollution cases, loss of life, and personal injury claims related to crew members and third parties, maritime disasters (collision, grounding, fire), salvage, towage and wreck removal as well as casualty investigations.
Vessel Employment – Expertise in handling transactional issues inherent to the charter of dry bulk, chemicals, LNG, oil & gas and its by-products, and containerized cargoes.
Shipbuilding / Engineering and Construction – Contract drafting, legal advice on shipbuilding, ship design and ship conversion contracts, and negotiation of terms and conditions pertaining to these contracts.
Insurance – P&I, hull, machinery and cargo insurance claims.
Dispute Resolution – Maritime liens, ship arrest, insurance claims, public inquiries, legal advice in charter party disputes (demurrage, dead-freight, general average), bunkering disputes – dispute resolution in major engineering and construction projects – change orders, cost overruns, delay and disruption – as well as negligent design and faulty workmanship.

Wet and Dry Ports – Project development, environmental permits, public licenses, construction-related contracts, funding, regulatory compliance, associations, and operation.
Logistics – Project structuring and financing in integrated logistics projects for the traditional shipping industry and for the onshore and offshore transportation facilities needed to support hydrocarbons exploration & production.
Ship and Port/Logistics – Financing Leasing transactions, corporate structures for ship co-ownership (joint ventures), structured and syndicated financings, ship mortgage registration and enforcement, foreclosure of collateralized shipping assets, restructuring of existing financings, credit enhancement structures, credit wraps and asset protection.
Capital Markets and M&A Transactions – IPOs, MLPs, bond issuances, drop-downs, and advice to investment banks, private equity and hedge funds, among other players, in connection with funding of shipping companies in both domestic and international capital markets.
M&A – Due diligence and structuring of purchase and sale of companies and assets.
Liquefied Natural Gas – LNG – First Brazilian firm to deal with LNG shipping. Domestic and international expertise in all aspects of LNG project work.s de GNL.